Toxin Free

Organic Brushing Rinse

Although other 'natural' toothpastes often do, our Organic Brushing Rinse never contain:


Bleach contains chlorine. It is a highly reactive substance, meaning that it readily combines with other elements. When it is isolated and freed from its chemical bonds, it becomes a toxic gas. During World War I, the poison was used as a weapon, thus spawning the ignominious age of chemical warfare. Today the world is awash in the stuff. Chlorine is used to produce polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastics, herbicides, pesticides, cleansers, and pharmaceuticals; to bleach pulp and paper; and to disinfect water. All told, it is a component in about 15,000 products that have combined estimated annual sales of $71 billion. In spite of its prevalence, there is a movement to ban chlorine because it is suspected of causing a number of environmental problems, including ozone depletion. It is also thought to pose health threats to humans and wildlife, ranging from cancers to endocrine disruption. Chlorine is an ingredient in such notorious pollutants as DDT, PCBs, CFCs, Agent Orange, and dioxin. There's no question that household bleach, which is about 5 percent sodium hypochlorite, a mixture of chlorine and sodium hydroxide, is a dangerous product. Avoid purchasing as many chlorinated products as possible. ~ Audubon Magazine


In 2002, Gerard F. Judd, Ph.D., Researcher and Professor Emeritus of Chemistry, wrote a letter to the United States government stating that teeth re-enamel themselves by drawing minerals from food. Glycerin, he discovered, inhibits this process. Removing the glycerin ‘coating’ from teeth requires up to 27 rinses. Virtually all so called ‘healthy’ toothpastes contain glycerin as a primary ingredient

Heavy Metals

Heavy Metals The difference between food grade hydrogen peroxide and cosmetic or industrial grade that is found in brown bottles at grocery and drug stores, is that the food grade doesn’t have the harmful stabilizers found in the brown bottle varieties. The stabilizers made of chemicals like tetra sodium phosphate, sodium stagnate, acetanilide and phenol contain significant quantities of toxic heavy metals. Most toothpastes and mouthwashes use the non-food grade variety of peroxide.


On ABC’s 20/20, germ expert Dr. Phillip Tierno, a professor at New York University, stated, “the alcohol content present in many mouthwashes can dry your mouth out. When the saliva glands are dry, they are unable to wash away bacteria so the odorous material flourishes.”

Sodium Laurel Sulfate (SLS)

Studies show SLS to be irritating, drying and to CAUSE canker sores.

Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide

Brown bottle peroxides tend to be industrial or cosmetic grade. EssentialOxygenTM uses only food grade hydrogen peroxide, because it doesn’t contain the toxic heavy metals like phenol, acetanilide, and sodium stagnate found in drugstore varieties.