Pockets & Receding Gums

If tartar remains on the teeth long enough it can irritate the gums. The gums can swell, bleed and weaken to the point that they begin to "pull away" from the teeth creating receding gums. When plaque wreaks havoc below the gum line it’s called periodontal disease. ‘Pockets’ of bacteria form below the gum line, and ultimately start devouring the bone that can cause your teeth to loosen, get crooked, or fall out altogether.

Every time I went to my dental hygienist she would point out some new bacteria pocket in my gums. and that the gums were continuing to recede. I brushed and flossed with diligence, but the pockets and receding continued to worsen. A sad thing happened. My front teeth, that had always been perfectly straight even without braces, got crooked from bacteria eating away at the bone. Even though dentists had always told me I would always have my teeth, it was starting to look like I might not. I had to come up with a solution. I went to an Oxygen Therapy workshop and learned about the amazing cleansing properties of food grade hydrogen peroxide. I researched essential oils known for their anti-microbial properties. I put the two together and I had my Brushing Rinse. At my next hygienist appointment she noticed that I had no new pockets and my gums hadn’t receded any further. She even commented that my tartar build up was significantly reduced.